My guests today
Ann Nakaska –Career Consultant / Career Educator / Futurist
Dr. David Blustein –Professor and the Golden Eagle Faculty Fellow in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology at Boston College
Dorothy Dalton – International Talent Management Strategist and Founder of 3Plus International.
What are the career trends in the next 3-5 years that career service providers need to be aware of?
We discuss how the future affects marginalized people and social justice issues, the 4th technology era impact, why post-secondary education needs to move away from the “four-year” model, and much more.
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Full Bios
Ann Nakaska –BA, M. Ed., CDF is a career consultant who specializes in career decision making and career planning. She researches, writes, and presents on work trends and career opportunities of the future. She loves reading about business, innovation, and the fourth industrial revolution. She is optimistic about this age of uncertainty and loves exploring the work opportunities open to all people created by industry innovation.
LinkedIn: Ann Nakaska BA, MEd | LinkedIn
Dr. David Blustein –is a Professor and the Golden Eagle Faculty Fellow in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology at Boston College. Dr. Blustein is the author of The Psychology of Working and The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty as well as numerous articles and book chapters. He has been instrumental in developing psychology of working theory, which represents a social justice-informed perspective on the role of work in people’s lives. Dr. Blustein is also in practice as a career counselor, career coach, and counseling psychologist.
Faculty website:
Counseling Practice website:
Dorothy Dalton – is an International Talent Management Strategist and Founder of 3Plus International, working with global organizations to meet their diversity and inclusion goals. She is a Certified Trainer and Coach focusing on supporting individuals to reach their potential. She has recently certified as a Trauma Informed Coach in response to a spike in workplace mental health issues.
JIM PEACOCK is the Principal at Peak-Careers Consulting and writes a weekly career news email for career practitioners. Peak-Careers offers discussion-based online seminars for career practitioners focused on meeting continuing education needs for CCSP, GCDF and BCC certified professionals as well as workshops for career practitioners and individual career coaching. He is the author of A Field Guide for Career Practitioners: Helping Your Clients Create Their Next Move Sign up to receive my TOP 10 TIPS WHEN WORKING WITH AN UNDECIDED PERSON. You can also receive the career practitioners weekly career email which includes a variety of career topics, industry news, interesting events, and more.