by Mark T. Sullivan

Wow, I could not put this book down. I’d read in bed and not get tired. I only turned out the light when my wife came to bed. I even turned off hockey games on TV so that I could read more.
Mark Sullivan interviewed Adeline and Emil and many others who were affected by the German / Russian armies that caused the Martel family to leave Ukraine as refugees trying to get to the allies to protect them. Stalin was horrible and Hitler was too. These poor people had no safe place so they left their homes in the Ukraine (timely topic with Russia invading Ukraine as I read this book) and had obstacle after obstacle to deal with.
Not the least of which was Emil (the father) being taken by the Russians to a prison in Poland where 75% of the prisoners died from starvation, over worked, and / or diseases.
The day after finishing the book I still replay so many of the struggles they all suffered through and find it amazing that they were able to survive and ultimately thrive in Montana.
The best book I have read in a few years and although it is based on a true story at the end of World War II, I am sure there are refugees today who have similar struggles trying the best to live a normal life.
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