Peak-Careers Interview
What are the benefits of hiring a business coach for career practitioners?
In our interview today, I talk with two successful career service providers who talk about the benefits of hiring a business coach. Whether you are in private practice or a career practitioner that wants to advance your own career, would you benefit from hiring a business coach?
Listen to this interview to learn about the benefits of hiring a business coach and why you might consider it. This is a follow up to my blog on the same topic, Do You Need a Business Coach?
My guests today are: Karen Chopra, Founder of Chopra Consulting for Consultants and Mark Danaher, Founder of Mark Danaher Training and Coaching
What we explore:
– How has working with a business coach helped you in your private practice and your own career development?
– What recommendations do you have for identifying a coach for career practitioners?
If you are thinking about starting a coaching business or are struggling with yours, you may want to check out our 5-week, online seminar, Building Your Coaching Business.

Karen James Chopra, LPC, CCC, NCC, is the founder of Chopra Consulting for Consultants (, which helps therapists, counselors, coaches and other consultants create thriving businesses. She also has a well-established career counseling private practice in Washington, D.C. (, and has helped hundreds of clients with career exploration, job search, and career management.
A former U.S. Government trade negotiator, she is the author of Coaching Career Clients on Salary and Other Workplace Negotiations and numerous other articles on the business and practice of career counseling. MCDA has honored her with both their Outstanding Career Practitioner and Lifetime Achievement awards. She received her M.A. in Community Counseling from the George Washington University, and her B.A. from the University of Virginia. She also has a master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.

Mark Danaher, LPC, BCC, CCSP is the founder of Mark Danaher Training and Coaching (, which helps people create awesome new careers that pay them well and provide them freedom. Mark has been a career counselor and coach for over 25 years working with students and clients ranging from high school through retirement.
Through his private practice, Mark has the delight of running workshops and trainings for career services professionals, universities, and organizations around the United States. He has earned two Master’s degrees in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology from the University of Connecticut and Eastern Connecticut State University. Mark has served as President of the National Career Development Association (NCDA) and the Connecticut Career Counseling and Development Association and as the North Atlantic Region Trustee for NCDA. Currently, he serves on the Training and Education Committee for NCDA.
Jim Peacock is the Principal of Peak-Careers Consulting offering:
- The Facilitating Career Development (FCD) class since 2001
- Online discussion based-seminars for career practitioners since 2010
- F2F workshops for career professionals
- Individual career coaching
- Webinars on a variety of career topics
- Author of A Field Guide for Career Practitioners: Helping Clients Make Their Next Move
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