Each December I share the books I have read in the past year and also interview other bibliophiles as a way to share even more books. Check out the interview for 2021 here.

Besides all the books that I’ve read, I am still excited that my second book came out this year too! The Adventure of Finding Me in New Zealand is about my near death experience while traveling in New Zealand in 1983-84.
Here are the books that I’ve read this past year. First I list the books I read to be a better career coach, next historical & nonfiction books, and then my recreational reading. Each of the books will link to a short summary of the book. I do this so when someone asks about one of these books, I can send them the link to get the title and author correct. I also do it to remind myself of which books I’ve read. More than once, I bought a book only to find that I had read it already. Now I can check my list 🙂
Books to make me a better coach
Help Wanted: An A to Z Guide to Cope with the Ups and Downs of the Job Search by Karen Litzinger
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker
Switchers by Dawn Graham
Designing Your Work Life: How to Thrive and Change and Find Happiness at Work. By Burnett, B., & Evans,D.
StoryTraining: Selecting and Shaping Stories That Connect, by Hadiya Nurriddin.
Your Stories Don’t Define You. How You Tell Them Will. By Sarah Elkins
Historical & Nonfiction
To Wake The Giant by Jeff Shaara
Elephantoms: Tracking the Elephant by Lyall Watson
Journey on the Crest: Walking 2600 Miles from Mexico to Canada by Cindy Ross
Greenlights By Matthew McConaughey
Mountain Madness: Scott Fischer, Mount Everest & a Life Lived on High. By Robert Birkby
Washington: The Indispensable Man by James Thomas Flexner
Books to entertain me and make me more interesting…I hope.
The Poacher’s Son by Paul Doiron
Bad Little Fall’s by Paul Doiron (and soon his book Trespasser)
Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John LeCarre
If you are still reading this and want to see my book reviews from 2020, you can check them out here.
I also enjoy talking with other bibliophiles, so I recently interviewed three others in this interview on their favorite books in 2021. Watch/Listen to the interview.
Jim Peacock is the Principal at Peak-Careers Consulting and writes a weekly email for career practitioners. Peak-Careers offers discussion-based online seminars for career practitioners focused on meeting continuing education needs for CCSP, GCDF and BCC certified professionals as well as workshops for career practitioners and individual career coaching.
He is the author of A Field Guide for Career Practitioners: Helping Your Clients Create Their Next Move and The Adventure of Finding Me in New Zealand. He is also the recipient of the 2020 Kenneth C. Hoyt Award from the National Career Development Association and the Mid-Atlantic Career Counseling Association’s Professional Contribution’s Award in 2020.
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