By Karen Litzinger, MA,LPC

Have you ever worked with a client who was the Debbie Downer or Negative Nick of job searching? I have. Sometimes the negativity is understandable if they had just recently been laid off and had no idea it was coming. Other times, people are just stuck and don’t know how to get out of their funk.
This book is such an uplifting book for the job searcher who is struggling. I love how Karen uses the alphabet to make over 26 great points (Yes, she uses all the letters and some letters multiple times) about common reasons people might be in a negative way.
Each “letter” begins with an inspirational quote. Here’s one for Persistence by Julie Andrews; “Persistence is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.”
This is followed by great advice from Karen on the importance of persistence with specific things to think about.
Each letter then ends with an affirmation to help people change their mindset. “I persist with grit and rise to the occasion.”
I love this book. Notice I didn’t say “loved” like I’ll never go back to it. I will keep this book on my shelf and flip it open occasionally just for those moments I might need it.
I will also be recommending this to future clients who are stuck in their job search to help them be more positive and inspired to move forward.
Thank you Karen for a wonderful uplifting book! Get your copy at
Great insight, Jim, and nice overview of the book. Thanks for sharing it with us. I think I’ll buy the book.