For nine years now, I have chosen three words to guide me throughout the year rather than creating New Year’s resolutions. Writing and thinking about the words daily inspires me and gives me the power to start each day. For example, in 2023 when I wrote the word Joy, I would stop and think about what I could do that day to bring joy. Throughout my day I would look for where the word Joy could be found. It was amazing how often it came to fruition in some form.
To choose my words this year, like the past eight, I scheduled a day-long tech-free retreat during which I could read, write, reflect, meditate, and take walks away from my distraction-filled home. I turned off my social media and phone and found that in and of itself to be cleansing. I spent the morning in one cafe and early afternoon in another.
It is amazing how by simply changing location I can be inspired to see things differently and be motivated to write. Being in a different environment helps me to think differently. I encourage you to try it if you can. Even a half-day can be powerful, but I recommend trying a full eight-hour day.

Peace. This word feels right to me as I look ahead in my life and with hope towards our country’s future. I was choosing my words shortly after the Hamas and Israeli fighting started, and as the war in Ukraine was coming up on two years since it broke out. So sad.
I try to start my day with stretching, walking, and reading before I begin working. This helps me start each day slowly and this year, I hope, peacefully. I am looking for ways to be more content with myself by incorporating meditation into my day and finding ways to be calm and kind to myself.
Catalyst. This word jumped out to me as I was reading J.P. Michel’s new book, The World Needs You. He is calling for career coaches to be career catalysts and help propel our students/clients to their future careers. My passion in life now is to give back to our profession by being a Trustee on the NCDA Board of Directors. I want to use my three-year commitment to NCDA to be a catalyst for our association.
Another passion of mine is offering a mentor relationship to people new to the field. Over the past few years, I have worked with several people who had various questions about how to get into the career development field, how to create a company that is currently centered in Brazil and move it to the US, what types of jobs are available for someone with the Certified Career Service Provider (CCSP) credential, or how to start their own consulting business. I want to help every one of them in whatever way I can, and I believe I can be a catalyst for them.
Discover. This word has several different layers to it. I like that the word feeds my love of learning. I am always looking to discover new information through reading, podcasts, listening to news shows, talking with people, or watching TV. I simply love learning. The layers include looking at ways to improve Peak-Careers and thinking about what I’d like to do with the business over the next few years.
The word Discover also has great meaning for who “Jim Peacock” is and will become over the next few years. I am in my mid-to-late 60s and find life is constantly evolving as my family grows (more grandchildren), my siblings are all facing retirement and we talk about how we can get together despite living 1000s of miles apart, my lifelong friends and I are closer now than ever, and my wife and I are traveling more.
I look forward to seeing how these words develop throughout the year.
Do you choose three words to guide you?
If so, please share your words and a little about what they mean to you.
Here are all my words from 2016-2023
2016 – Health ★ Mindfulness ★ Focus
2017 – Intentional ★ Authentic ★ Wellness
2018 – Reach ★ Capacity ★ Consistency
2019 – Reflection ★ Purposeful ★ Gratitude
2020 – Philanthropy ★ Rebalance ★ Strategic
2021 – Be ★ Kindness ★ Understanding
2022 – Community ★ Balance ★ Positivity
2023 – Joy ★ Humility ★ Exploration
2024 – Peace ★ Catalyst ★ Discover
If you’d like to read about how I choose past years words and/or watch some interviews with other people who choose three words, check out my website here.
Jim Peacock is the Principal at Peak-Careers Consulting and writes a weekly email for career practitioners. Peak-Careers offers discussion-based online seminars for career practitioners focused on meeting continuing education needs for CCSP, GCDF and BCC certified professionals as well as workshops for career practitioners and individual career coaching.
He is the author of A Field Guide for Career Practitioners: Helping Your Clients Create Their Next Move and The Adventure of Finding Me in New Zealand. He is also the recipient of the 2020 Kenneth C. Hoyt Award from the National Career Development Association and the Mid-Atlantic Career Counseling Association’s Professional Contribution’s Award in 2020.
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