by Elizabeth Gilbert author of Eat Pray Love
There is so much that I love in this book. Not the least of which is how her “magic” is so closely related to trusting your hunches, instincts, and putting positive vibes out to the universe. She writes this book to those people who are creative and want to do creative work, but I find it applicable for all kinds of people.

She speaks to the inherent negative thinking that blocks so many of us.. I can’t do that…that won’t work…nobody is going to want to publish/read/watch (insert your word) this. She insists that you can’t worry about what others think about your work, keep moving forward, keep working at it, and if you believe it is good “go for it.”
I loved her story about how an editor rejected her story and then she resubmitted a couple years later and the same editor loved it. How often does that happen? Lots. People get rejected for jobs for all kinds of reasons. One errant comment from one of the people on the interview committee may be all it takes for the entire group to just move on to the next candidate.
Also, in Daniel Pinks book, When, he talks about the research that shows people who interview late in the afternoon do not get hired as much as people who interview in the morning. Timing is everything and Elizabeth Gilbert calls it magic. Sometimes magic that is good, sometimes, not so good. But you seldom ever know the real reasons.
I also agree with her belief that the mantra “follow your passion” is not that helpful. She insists that being curious is actually a better mantra to follow. I totally agree with this. If you are curious, you’ll discover things by accident…what I call intentional serendipity.
Page 236 “You might spend your whole life following your curiosity and have absolutely nothing to show for tat the end — except one thing. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you passed your entire existence in devotion to the noble human virtue of inquisitiveness“.
Be curious and take action. I really believe good things happen when you do, and so does Elizabeth Gilbert.
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