I met a person the other day and we ended up talking about how people discover jobs by accident. His face lit up, “that’s exactly what happened to me! In high school, I was thinking about engineering or joining the military and then I discovered machine tool.” 30 years later he was the CEO of a large machine tool company and now is a consultant in that field.
While on my honeymoon, I met the Director of a high school technical center. I had no idea what a Vocational – Technical school was, but four months later, I was working for him and my life was transformed forever with an understanding and appreciation of all kinds of occupations.
We all have stories about chance events that changed the course of our careers. Then why is it that students and other clients continue to come in and ask to take “one of those assessments that tells me what to do”. The longer I am in this business, the less assessments I use.
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