TED Talks for Career Practitioners

Wouldn’t it be great if you could bring in a person who could articulate and inspire your clients through one of the following issues?
- Creating confidence
- Finding your passion / Being authentic
- Introverts in an extroverted world
- Conversation skills for networking
- Perseverance in the job search
- Fear or anxiety in the career change
Well, you can bring in experts by using TED Talks for career practitioners. I surveyed career coaches/practitioners recently and asked what their favorite TED Talks were and why. By utilizing these TED Talk outside experts, you can find another way to get your point across when you see something your client needs. One survey participant even sends TED Talks to some of her clients the night before an interview for motivation. Here are a few experts who can help you when you are working with your clients.
Creating Confidence
Hands down Amy Cuddy’s Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are is recommended to help students/clients who are feeling nervous before interviews and confidence building in general. The power poses can be very powerful before an interview and her suggestions for body positioning are important as well. Also, she refers to a study she performed regarding mock interviews and accentuates that the interviewers were impressed with eye contact, genuineness / authentic, presence, enthusiasm.
21 minutes. 51 million+ views. Watch now
Finding Your Passion / Being Authentic
What They Don’t Teach You About Career Fulfillment in School | Ryan Clements. He talks about the roundabout way one gets to their career(s). Ryan’s passion is empowering others to find fulfilling work, and living their “inner greatness”.
16:32 minutes. 135,000+ views Watch now
Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling | Emilie Wapnick. Have a client that tells you they have many passions and interests? Emilie talks about multipotentialites superpowers. Author, entrepreneur and artist, Wapnick was blessed with so many interests that she was unable to pick just one.
12:52 minutes 430,000+ views Watch now
“How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes“ | Adam Leipzig. At a class reunion, he talked with the 25% of the people who were actually happy in their work. They knew their life purpose because they knew (1) who they were (2) what they did (3) who they did it for (4) what those people wanted or needed, and (5) how they changed as a result of what you do. Make sure you watch to the end.
10:33 minutes. 13 million + views Watch now
Stop Searching For Your Passion | Terri Trespicio. She conveys in her TED Talk, “To live a life full of meaning and value you don’t follow your passion, your passion follows you.”
10:46 minutes 4 million + views Watch now
How To Find & Do Work You Love | Scott Dinsmore. Scott’s mission is to change the world by helping people find what excites them and build a career around the work only they are capable of doing. He is a career change strategist whose demoralizing experience at a Fortune 500 job launched his quest to understand why 80% of adults hate the work they do, and more importantly, to identify what the other 20% were doing differently. He shares three surprisingly simple practices for finding and doing work you love.
17:56 minutes. 5 million + views Watch now
Helping Introverts
The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking | Susan Cain. This is a phenomenal talk that inspires both introverts and extroverts. She helps us understand that introverts are creative, reflective people who can be great leaders and applicable across industries and backgrounds.
19:04 minutes. 8 million + views Watch now
Communication skills (networking)
How to Speak So People Want to Listen | Julian Treasure provides tips on becoming a good conversationalist. The 7 deadly sins of speaking are introduced which keep us from being good conversationalists. And then introduces 4 foundations to stand on called HAIL (to greet or acclaim enthusiastically) H – Honesty A- Authenticity I- Integrity L- Love.
9:58. 20 million + views. Watch now
Intrigue – How to Create Interest and Connect with Anyone| Sam Horn
In this interactive TEDx talk, Intrigue Expert Sam Horn shows how to earn the favorable interest and respect of customers, investors and decision-makers by finding out what’s important to them …. and focusing on that FIRST. I particularly liked her point regarding elevator pitches at about the 10-minute mark.
17:44 minutes. 368,000+ views Watch now
Perseverance in the job search
How to get back to work after a career break | Carol Fishman Cohen offers inspiration and advice for returning to work after an extended career break.
12 minutes. 110,000+ views Watch now
I got 99 problems… palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid. So funny and real! She tackles disability bias with such warmth but her points are clear and spot on.
14.13 minutes. 5 million + views Watch now
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance |Angela Duckworth talks about why IQ isn’t the only thing separating successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of “grit” as a predictor of success.
6:09 minutes. 16 million + views Watch now
Fear or anxiety in the career change
Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count | Brené Brown. This is a great talk for people who feel scared, anxious or vulnerable because of a career change. It often helps them understand that being vulnerable is part of growing and part of learning.
22 minutes. 2 million + views Watch now
Miscellaneous TED Talks for Career Practitioners
The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain | Sarah-Jayne Blakemore talks about the mysterious workings of the teenage brain. Useful for career coaches, career teachers etc to understand the need to engage the limbic system.
14:26 minutes. 377,000+ views Watch now
Why 30 is not the new 20 | Meg Jay. Following is a quote from one of the survey responders. “As a 20-something, I listen to this talk a couple of times a year to remind myself of growth opportunities that I should take advantage of now. I’ve also recommended it to other 20-somethings who were feeling stuck in their career exploration process. It’s a very relatable talk with a lot of great takeaways.”
14:49 minutes. 2 million views Watch now
What Jobs Will Look Like in the Future | Andrew McAfee suggests that, yes, probably, droids will take our jobs — or at least the kinds of jobs we know now. In this far-seeing talk, he thinks through what future jobs might look like, and how to educate coming generations.
14:25 minutes. 851,000+ views Watch now
I hope you found these TED Talks for career practitioners helpful for your work with clients. If you have others you recommend, please share them here. It used to be that you could only see this caliber of professionals if you attended conferences. Now they are just a click away.
See last years TED Talks for career practitioners recommendations.
Jim Peacock is the Principal at Peak-Careers Consulting and writes a monthly newsletter for career practitioners. Peak-Careers offers discussion-based online seminars for career practitioners focused on meeting continuing education needs for CCSP, GCDF and BCC certified professionals as well as workshops for career practitioners and individual career coaching.
Sign up here to receive my TOP 10 TIPS WHEN WORKING WITH AN UNDECIDED PERSON. You can also receive the career practitioners newsletter which includes a variety of career topics, industry news, interesting events, and more.

Thank you so much! I will listen to some of these when I make time. I saw Amy C.’s and have used that Superman pose in my training. I loved Astro’s talk about how his organization deals with failure and sees it as a positive.
Keep feeding my brain, man!
Lorene, thanks for your thoughts here. Now you have to “find that time”. Remember you only need to find <20 minutes for this inspiration 🙂