How many of you find yourself attached to this “stinking” computer like an umbilical cord? Reading e-mails from co-workers, clients, supervisors, friends, families, spammers, bloggers, and who ever else invades our lives like one of the 7 plagues.
We are like a nation on speed.
– Turn on computer
– Read email
– Respond immediately
– Read another email
– Respond immediately
– Bamm, what else you got?
– Bring it on
-Keep sending them, I’ll get through them all!
Really? Is this what work is supposed to be like?
Whatever happened to the times when you could walk across campus to actually TALK to someone? Who turned the treadmill onto 8 m.p.h.? Where is that downtime when you could read an article or simply just sit and think? Shouldn’t we as professionals in the career advising world be modeling something better than this?