Career Development Facilitator (CDF) Certification
If you are a career practitioner interested in becoming a trained, certified career professional—and you live in the Maine/New England area—this class is for you.
Successful completion of this approved CDF course qualifies you to apply for national certification as a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF). Recognized worldwide, this credential is one of the few certifications available for people who provide career advising and counseling. Class Details.
Transition Theory in Career Advising
Often when one of our clients is struggling to make a career decision, they are having difficulty moving through a transition in their life. We will breakdown transitions into their various parts to understand them and to assist clients in managing their transition. We will review a number of articles and publications which address understanding transitions with our clients, whether they are high school, college age, or mature adults.
Dr. Nancy Schlossberg’s Transition Theory will be introduced and discussed as it relates to career counseling, then we will move to Dr. William Bridges’ work on understanding transitions in corporations and businesses and how his work is translatable to our career advising with clients. Participants are expected to be active in the online exchange of information, perspectives, and experiences. Seminar Details.
Career Advising Using Happenstance
Did you know that happenstance—luck and the creation of unplanned events— can play a role in both your own career development and that of your students or clients?
In this course, we’ll review Krumboltz, Mitchell and Levin’s theory of happenstance and explore how we as career professionals can help our clients use the creation of luck or unplanned events in their lives as a tool in their own career development. Seminar Details.
Working With Boomers to Reinvent Retirement
This seminar looks at ways you can assist others in re-thinking their lives in preparation for retirement, as they transition to retirement, and once they retire. We reluctantly use the term retirement because we reject the old perception that retirement is a time of disengaging and slowing down. We are advocating a re-imagining of life.
We will read a number of articles as well as chapters from the book, Live Smart After 50!, look at a variety of tools and activities available to assist others in this exploration process by going through the process themselves, and discuss how to integrate all this into practice. Seminar Details.