Sunday, July 12
My calendar pops up, “depart for Sacramento / PCT hike”.
Rees, Howard, and I have been picking away at the Pacific Crest Trail (2650 miles) since 1981 when we hike 400 miles of the stretch in Washington state. Since then, we’ve done mostly 110-130 mile hikes over the years. In 2012 we hiked 200 miles where the John Muir trail combines with PCT in California.
I broke my ankle in March and had to cancel.
Rees and Howard call me tonight on their way to the trailhead near Mt Whitney where we ended 3 years ago. I sent them a “flat Stanley” cutout with my picture on it that I asked them to carry on the trail so I don’t miss anything.
To say I am bummed out can only be an understatement.
We had a great talk and I promised them at 10am east coast time / 7am their time, every day I would stop and “be with them” on the start of their day. If I wasn’t with my friend Bob playing cribbage when they called, I would have cried.
Monday July 13th, Day 1
*Note: I’m guessing they are somewhere near campsite 656 on the map, maybe 10 miles day 1
Tuesday July 14th, Day 2
Watch this YouTube video while I was walking in the neighborhood.
*I’m guessing they are somewhere near campsite 670
Wednesday July 15th, Day 3
This morning at 10am I stopped working at the computer and am sitting outside on the back deck, listening to the birds calling throughout the woods. I am thinking about our mornings on the trail when we get up early and start taking down camp and having breakfast. Listening to the forest sounds around us…birds…wind through the trees…and because we typically camp in beautiful locations…just sitting watching the views from the side of a mountain.
My aches and pains from last night are probably nothing compared to the aches and pains from the trail AND sleeping on a 1/2 inflated mattress pad…but I miss your aches & pains. Maybe I’ll sleep on the floor tonight? Just kidding 🙂
You should probably be about 22 miles out from the trail and today I hope to pull up a map of the PCT and start to chart where I “think” you are. Here’s hoping you are getting used to the elevation and that there is plenty of water and no fires nearby.
*Guessing they are near Lamont Meadow Creek
Thursday July 16th, Day 4

10am…my day stops. My thoughts to go Rees and Howard, waiting for me to finish my coffee each morning. I love the morning on the trail, the quiet, a quick breakfast, and my coffee. Neither Rees or How are coffee drinkers but I love my instant coffee on the trail (I could NEVER drink instant anywhere else).
So I pour me a cup of coffee and sit by our campfire pit out back so I can be with my friends.
The wind blows through the trees making a calming noise only to be broken by an occasional bird song or tweet. The calm of the morning is beautiful…I don’t know why I don’t stop and enjoy this more throughout the year. The trail always gave me permission to slow down, unlike my house which always feels like I “should be working”. Having my own business has been wonderful and challenging and I would not trade it for anything, but the feeling that I “should be working” ALWAYS hovers over my head and is in my thoughts. The trail whispers to me “slow down, breath the air, listen to nature around you, look – really LOOK around you, cleanse your mind”.
I’ve included a picture of the wildflowers on my walk today because I love looking at & taking pictures of the flowers along the trail.
I miss you my friends.
Note: *Maybe near Rockhouse Basin 694 for camp?
Friday July 17th, Day 5
We were driving to Rhode Island Friday morning to visit Jordan and Jovana and I could not help but think how many miles (200+) we drove and how fast (70mph) compared to the trail speed of 2 1/2 mph and 12-14 miles in a day.
*Note: Should be by Kennedy Meadows and on near 706 Anderson Point?
Saturday July 18th Day 6
In Newport RI today walking on the trail in front of the mansions thinking how different this view is from the mountain scenes of the PCT.
Note: Sweet Ridge?
Note: Maybe Dry Big Meadow 730
Sunday July 19th Day 7
Going to sit by the pool at Jordan’s to sit quietly and think about Rees and Howard starting their day.
Note: maybe Horse show meadow? 746
Monday July 20 Day 8
Sitting in a meeting at Colby….my mind wanders at 10am.
Note: Maybe mile 758 Rock Creek?
Tuesday July 21 Day 9
Note: Maybe near Landers Creek?
Wednesday July 22 Day 10
Today I was sitting in another meeting, 9am-noon, with the Colby Career Center. Again, my thoughts wander at 10am thinking that this is your last day on the trail. Cathy posted on FB that you are coming out today (I thought tomorrow), regardless..last day’s on the trail are bittersweet days…loving the trail…heading out to loved ones.
Can’t wait to hear your voices and hopefully see your Skype faces soon 🙂
Note: Maybe near mile 640 Wiley’s Knob?
Thursday July 23 Day 11
Walker Pass (652)
Spoke to How and Rees on Thursday…it was great. I had sent them “flat Jim” to carry on the trail and here is what they did 🙂
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