Another Peak-Careers Interview
Creating the Conversation Using Card Sorts
My guest today is:
Lesah Beckhusen, President of SkillScan
What we will explore
– How do you use SkillScan card sorts when working with a client?
– What are the things you do to really get the client to THINK about making their next career move?
– What type of clients are best served using card sorts?
– Share some stories about clients who used card sorts and how the activity helped them.
Look for my blog on this same topic at Peak-Careers

BIO: Lesah Beckhusen, M.S.
Lesah is a career consultant and President of SkillScan. She developed a suite of transferable skills assessments including two online assessments, Drive and SkillScan Express and Advance Pack 2.0.
She has worked in career development in a variety of environments for over 30 years including Berkeley/MBA career Services (23 years), community colleges, outplacement adult career centers, universities and held a private practice (10 years).
Lesah has a Master’s Degree in Counseling from San Diego State University.
Jim Peacock, is the Principal of Peak-Careers Consulting offering:
– The Facilitating Career Development (FCD) class since 2001
– Online discussion based-seminars for career practitioners since 2010
– F2F workshops for career professionals
– Individual career coaching
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