By Richard Rohr

I first heard of Richard Rohr while listening to a Brene Brown podcast when she interviewed him. Wow! An impressive human being.
So I ordered one of his books and then my brother, a Catholic priest sent me this one.
Having been raised Catholic but long ago left the church, there were a number of things that connected with me from this Franciscan friar.
I knew about St. Francis but did not remember hearing about Clare who was with Francis throughout their work. I love that both of them saw their faith in nature and all that nature brings. Almost like the native Americans do. This resonates with me as an environmentalist and a person who loves the outdoors.
Here is one of my favorite quotes. “You must preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.” In this book friar Rohr talks about the need for action more than the rituals that come with formal religions (not just Catholic) and how many people hide behind the religion and actual church structures to “prove they are good people” when actions are where it should happen.
“…in Franciscan spritiruality. It surpasses the boundaries of religion, culture, gender, ethnicity, era, class, or any measure of worthiness or education.” He respects all religions who believe in god and who do the right thing in life which is to love others.
“Love is a very real energy, a spiritual life force that is much more powerful than ideas or mere thoughts. Love is endlessly alive, always flowing toward the lower place, and thus life-giving for all, like a great river and water itself.”
I have much to think about after reading this book but can honestly say I connected with much of it.
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