By Heather Cox Richardson
Whew…America is in a dark place right now with money running politics and so much power in the hands of a few extremely rich people (oligarchy). The author does a great job at giving us a historical view of our situation from the beginning of our country and what our founding fathers wanted to happen (and not happen) to the late 1800’s – early 1900’s when a small group of very rich men (think oligarchy again) were running our country. Their goal was to keep the power with rich white men and keep people of color and women in their place. (sound familiar?)
I appreciate Richardson’s ability to explain our current situation in this broader context and also bring insight to the people who are trying to destroy democracy today. It continues to amaze me how so many people can be following one person over the cliff of democracy and not see Trump for who he is. But its not just Trump, it is a wide range of people that really began to come together with Ronald Reagan and their belief of “trickle down economy” that gives more money to the rich few white men with the false belief they will share it with the common people. This theory has never proven right….except that the rich get richer.
And look at our country now with the wage gap so high between the middle class and the few extremely wealthy population.
Our country was founded on the tension of democracy and that we would never welcome an autocrat. George Washington left office when he could have easily stayed for many years, but he wanted this country to never have a “king” or an autocrat. We are at a turning point in our country now. If Trump is reelected he has already stated he is a Putin supporter and we already witnessed how he threw out past protocol and he put in only supporters. If they wavered, they were fired and replaced with bigger supporters. That was his kingdom and he wants it back.
I want our democracy. I hope Richardson is correct in that our democracy is awakening.
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