This is the second book in his Beartown trilogy about a small town in the middle of nowhere Scandinavia. Whew…I need a break because this book does not stop from page 1 to the end. The characters are real people struggling with real issues that just don’t seem to stop. The biggest issue? The local hockey teams. One in Beartown and one in HED. But wait, there’s more.
Backman develops so many characters in this book and shares their struggles with the reader to the level where you can’t help but feel sorry for some, angry at others, and crying with others. If you think you know what this book is about on pages 1, 50, 100, 200, or even at the end…you don’t.
A great writer and storyteller of people. I am going to wait a month or so before I dive into the third book of the trilogy and read something lighter, like the Battle of Bunker Hill.
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