This book was recommended to me from my good friend Rees as we discussed how our parents are aging and we are dealing with many end of life issues…or will be soon.
Atul is a physician that walks himself, and us, through many of the issues people face at the end of their lives. One huge issue is that medicine can keep bodies going for a long time, but not necessarily lives, certainly not quality lives for many. It raises the issue of how do we end our lives? So many people with cancer go through treatments to kill the cancer and extend their life only to find out that they could have foregone the treatments and lived just as long, maybe longer AND they would have had more quality life with people they love. (i.e. NOT in pain, NOT medicated up so much they can’t think / communicate).
He makes the argument that we need to have realistic and open discussions with people on how do they want to live out their final days and REALLY give it to them straight on what the chemo / meds can do and won’t do.
Provocative read. Makes so much sense in many ways but I’m not sure how easy it would be if it is my father. I’ll need to do more thinking on this and maybe even re-read this book as Rees had done.
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